I have been kindly awarded the Versatile Blog Award from the wonderful Dr. Blood, thank you, thank you my good friend! :] On to the best part of the award.
The Rules
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 5 new-found blogging buddies.
4. Contact the winners to congratulate them.
7 random facts about ME!!:
1: I am in the process of preparing for world domination. Think I'm joking? Ha, just wait and see! ;]
2: When I was 13 me and my cousin were chased by the cops for prank calling the operator from a pay phone in the park.
3: I've seen every episode of The Golden Girls over a million times and no I'm not exaggerating.
4: When I was little I had a high squeaky voice that made me sound like Minnie Mouse, I was also able to sound exactly like the munchkins in the Wizard of Oz.
5: I will randomly shout out lines from movies then laugh uncontrollably.
6: I am easily amused... for the most part I can laugh at anything unless it's really, really stupid ;]
7: I am only scared of one thing and one thing only and that is the Chucky Doll. Ever since I was very little I have always been scared of that little shit head. Other then that nothing scares me.
And the award goes to!!.........
1: Jeremy from http://izombielover.blogspot.com/
2: Nicole from http://livingdeadgirlnicoleart.blogspot.com/
3: Fred from http://www.fullmoonreviews.net/
4: J. Astro from http://screengrab.blogspot.com/
5: Vintage Seance at http://vintageseance.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the award, Jenny!